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Why Flossing Is Necessary

   tmj ,,,,,,,   August 20, 2018  Comments Off on Why Flossing Is Necessary

Flossing has always been underestimated as an optional step after you brush your teeth.The common misconception is that you don’t have to floss if you brush twice a day. However, the bristles on the toothbrush fail to remove the germs and residue stuck between the teeth. Flossing is arguably even…


Arsenic The Poisonous Pain Reliever  As far back as 4700 years ago, the Chinese used acupuncture to alleviate the pain that came with extracting teeth. This form of pain treatment used over a hundred points on the body that linked directly to the oral sections of the body. By 150…

The Myth of Apple Cider Vinegar

   Uncategorized ,,,,,,   March 13, 2018  Comments Off on The Myth of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has recently come up as one of the healthiest ways to detox many health problems including coughs, so it has become uncontested as one of the healthiest solutions for your body, and people even use it for teeth health. However, the truth is that apple cider vinegar…

Ear Congestion and Ringing

Is there anything quite as piercing as a ringing in the ear? Most people know it as an uncomfortable and rare condition that never lasts too long. Those who experience chronic ringing in the ears, however, can experience prolonged ringing that can just about drive you crazy. In addition, these…

Banishing Bruxism with Botox®

Bruxism is a common disorder in many patients.  With the growing demands of our economy and life pressure, many unconsciously resort to grinding their teeth as a way of de-stressing.  Sadly enough, this type of grinding, while asleep or awake,  often times leads to painful and severe dental and neuromuscular…

T-Scan for TMJ Treatment

Besides the knowledge and expertise that Dr. Solomon possesses inherently after nearly thirty years of neuromuscular practice, a large part of treating TMJ Disorder is having the proper advanced tools and technology to do so consistently and accurately. One recent innovation in TMJ dentistry that Dr. Solomon is proud to…

Bad Habits That Cause Jaw Pain

   Uncategorized ,,,,,,,,,,   December 19, 2017  Comments Off on Bad Habits That Cause Jaw Pain

These bad habits can often lead to TMJ if they are prolonged for a long period of time.   1) Grinding teeth or bruxism Clenching your teeth and grinding them can lead to both jaw strain as well as broken chipped teeth because your jaw is being forced out of…

Why Your Teeth May Clench

   Uncategorized   December 7, 2017  Comments Off on Why Your Teeth May Clench

\When the jaw becomes misaligned, the teeth do not lay properly along one another, which can cause clenching and grinding. This can cause both the wearing away of the teeth, but also severe pain in the jaw and face. While TMJ can often cause clenching and grinding, clenching and grinding…

The Misconception About Lock Jaw

   tmj ,,,,,,   October 30, 2017  Comments Off on The Misconception About Lock Jaw

Some common misunderstandings revolve around the term “lockjaw.” Those who suffer from TMD may might claim that they have “lockjaw”. However, there is an actual condition that has no relation to TMJ whatsoever called “lockjaw.” We can see the characteristics of each of these conditions to determine the differences between…

Bad Habits and TMJ

Although many habits are bad on their own, when suffering from TMJ Disorder, they can cause more damage than usual. For example, bad posture, eating habits, and biting your nails are all habits that should be avoided; however, these bad habits can also be negatively affecting your health. For those…

Dr. Sid Solomon - The TMJ Specialist & Expert for TMD Dentistry and Jaw Pain in Los Angeles