It takes team work to make a dream work!
They say there is always a strong woman behind every strong man! In my case, I have 7 amazing, caring, capable, compassionate, dedicated and truly hard working women behind me! As LA’s leading TMJ expert, I have taken every step to hand pick my team in order to ensure the…
How to find the right TMJ Expert
I have found in all of my years treating TMJ patients that sometimes it is harder for them to find me than it is for me to cure them! Many patients come to me after spending years addicted to medication they do not need, taking MRI’s and Scans they did…
Sid Solomon DDS Online
Tony Robins said last week in front of 6000 dentists that to be a great dentist, you must have: 1) Great Patients 2) Great Staff 3) and a Great Internet Presence Hard to believe that in the opinion of one of the most notable men of our time, internet presence…