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The First Step in Treating TMJ Disorder: A Consultation with Dr. Sid Solomon

   For patients who suffer from TMJ symptoms, there is nothing more frustrating than the unknown or the lack of results from previously tried treatments. Dr. Sid Solomon, DDS is a leading Los Angeles neuromuscular dentist with nearly thirty years of expertise with TMJ Disorder. A consultation with Dr. Solomon is a full hour of one-on-one, uninterrupted neuromuscular evaluation, during which Dr. Solomon goes over patients’ entire medical history and symptoms.  Dr. Solomon further conducts visual and physical examinations to form a proper diagnosis.
 Dr. Sid Solomon is a highly experienced dentist with deep-rooted, genuine comprehension and knowledge of the face, head and neck.  The consultation with Dr. Solomon is incredibly thorough, with very accurate results.
The following is what to expect in a consultation with Dr. Solomon:
1. Visual examination: The visual examination consists of Dr. Solomon examining the patient’s face, head, and neck.
2. Signs and Symptoms examination: During the signs and symptoms portion of the consultation, Dr. Solomon reviews every symptom that patients are experiencing, including but certainly not limited to, sensitivity to light, back pain, teeth grinding, limited movement, headaches, and ear ringing and pain.
3. Intra-oral examination: Next, Dr. Sid Solomon preforms the intra-oral examination which is a thorough examination of the inside of the mouth and the patient’s bite.
4. Palpation examination: In order to truly diagnose, palpitation exams are crucial. During this important exam, the doctor uses his hands, and therefore the sense of touch, to observe the patient’s muscles, joints, and bones. Although not always visible, the misalignment of one’s bite is a highly tangible defect, often times confirming and supporting the diagnosis.
5. Posture analysis: Because posture is entirely related to TMJ Disorder, Dr. Solomon preforms a posture assessment, which includes observing how the patient walks, sits, and stands naturally, in order to record the correlation.
6. Neuromuscular examination: Because neuromuscular dentistry is Dr. Sid Solomon’s expertise, he is incredibly proficient in administering the proper tests and measuring the neuromuscular impairments and how they are affecting and limiting the patient.
7. Health history evaluation: Upon coming into our office, the patient fills out a detailed health history questionnaire, which Dr. Solomon and the patient then review in detail, in order to find out what kind of treatment, if any, the patient has previously gone through, including surgery, medication, and physical therapy.
8. Digital X-Rays if necessary
  Upon completion of these steps, Dr. Sid Solomon integrates all of the above findings into a complete and personalized treatment plan for the patient.  He then discusses his findings in detail in order to find the most efficient way to begin treatment.
   If you believe you are suffering from TMJ, or are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned in the previous blog, call 310-475-5598 today to schedule a consultation that has the power to change your way living and return you to the pain-free life that you deserve.
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Dr. Sid Solomon - The TMJ Specialist & Expert for TMD Dentistry and Jaw Pain in Los Angeles