The Differences Between Bruxism and TMJ Disorder

Sometimes, even with a diagnosis, understanding of the disease or disorder that you suffer from can be elusive at best. Because of this confusion, if there are multiple disorders, such as Bruxism and TMD, that are similar, it is easy to become misinformed. Though there is a natural propensity to…

Finding a TMJ Dentist on Facebook?

   Social media is deeply prevalent in our culture today; whether it’s keeping in touch with Grandma or getting the top news, we use Facebook in particular as a platform for many of our needs. Our research has proven that Facebook can actually also be a good place to find…

Traveling With TMJ Disorder

   As 2017 begins, traveling is high on the priority list for business and personal reasons alike. However, for people suffering from TMJ Disorder, traveling can be utterly unpleasant. If you have an upcoming trip, regardless of the mode of transportation, know that it is possible to leave your TMJ at…

Living Every Day Life with TMJ Disorder

Although TMJ Disorder is not something to take lightly, and finding and treating the cause behind it is of utmost importance, simple self-care actions can be done in daily life to help in the lessening of the pain often related to TMJ Disorder, including: Avoiding hard foods Avoiding chewing gum,…

The FIVE signs that it IS TMJ Disorder

Often times, we find ourselves in pain and diagnosing ourselves with crazy, off-the-wall diseases and disorders based on what Google matches to our symptoms. This being said, there is no need to self-diagnose TMJ Disorder: Dr. Sid Solomon, DDS is a leading Los Angeles neuromuscular and cosmetic expert of nearly…

TMJ Disorder Awareness Month

Millions of Americans, especially between the ages of 18 and 40, agonize from symptoms related to TMJ Disorder. Although it is a highly common disorder, it is often ignored, misdiagnosed or even mistreated. It can be unnoticed or discounted by doctors and specialists who don’t have a broad understanding of…

TMJ Disorder and the Holidays

With the holidays right around the corner, TMJ Disorder often flares up, interrupting what should be a wonderful time with friends and family. Although the TMD might be pre-existing, the hustle and bustle and accompanying hassle that tends to occur this time of year will often cause tension, causing TMD…

New Season, New TMJ Pain

          Like most joints, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) can be greatly affected by weather change. Our joints are highly sensitive to the altering of temperature that comes with the change of seasons; because of this, when people say, “I feel it in my bones that a…

Diagnosing and Treating TMJ Disorder: Dr. Sid Solomon

Although there are many symptoms that indicate TMJ Disorder, Dr. Sid Solomon, DDS uses the most advanced and precise technological tools and computerized programming to properly diagnose and accurately treat TMD. With nearly thirty years of practice and countless years of specialty education, Dr. Solomon is esteemed by colleagues and…

TMJ: Fact or Fiction

Over the years, there has been so much controversy regarding the subject of Neuromuscualar Dentistry. Because controversy leads to misinformation and confusion, I would like to take a moment as a certified TMJ Expert in Los Angeles, and provide answers to questions that so many patients have regarding TMJ, or Temporomandibular Joint…